[nycphp-talk] Zend Encoder: CLI PHP Versions?

Shannon Weyrick weyrick at
Sun Mar 20 22:37:37 EST 2005


Just a few notes:

Roadsend Compiler isn't an encoder as such, and it doesn't store an 
intermediate bytecode to be later interpreted. It is a true native 
compiler, so the output is machine code that is executed directly by the 
operating system (as if it were compiled C code, for example - the 
result is an .EXE file). No interpreter is required. Because of the 
compilation process,  it is not possible to retrieve the original PHP 
source code from the binary. PHP (both GTK and command line) 
applications can be compiled on Linux, FreeBSD and Windows (although the 
IDE is currently Windows only).

Our PHP-GTK extension does indeed use the actual GTK libraries. The 
latest IDE has a Deployment feature that makes it very easy to compile 
and distribute applications. Our upcoming release will include Glade 
support as well as many optimizations, IDE improvements, and an 
integrated step debugger.

Roadsend, Inc.

Jayesh Sheth wrote:

> I also tried Roadsend's Compiler + IDE tool (available for $89 for the 
> basic edition):
> Unlke other encoders, they have completely rewritten the PHP parser 
> and interpreter. Their parses parses PHP code, and compiles it into a 
> form that their interpreter can read and execute. Whatever it 
> 'interprets' is obviously not plaintext, and is probably some 
> intermediate bytecode (I think).
> It is pretty amazing that a small company such as Roadsend has 
> rewritten the entire PHP processor tool. Their latest version also 
> includes a PHP-GTK interpreter. But here's thing: they do not support 
> all PHP extensions, because, as far as I know, they cannot load all 
> extensions' dlls like the PHP interpreter does. I am not sure how they 
> recreate PHP GTK apps, and if they actually use the Windows GTK 
> libraries for this. (They must, I think.) So non-standard extensions 
> such as WinBinder won't work with Roadsend.
> RoadEnd's product can compile PHP GTK programs into standalone exes 
> that can be run from CD, etc.

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