[nycphp-talk] PHP Quebec

Hans Zaunere lists at
Sun Mar 27 14:06:51 EST 2005

> > Any of you going to be blogging the conference?
> I plan to. At the very least, I'll blog after the conference and link to
> all of the coverage I know about.
> I'll also take lots of pictures, so maybe I can catch the NYPHP
> "Canadian beer can't get us drunk" gang after a dozen of that XXX stuff
> someone mentioned. :-)

Haha... I used to live only 40 minutes south of the border with Canada so I know all about that beer - and it's very good.  But, what's very strange, is that we couldn't find any in Montreal!  Even the Heineken was strange tasting!  Maybe it's just that clear northern air....


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