[nycphp-talk] Server Path for HTML IMG SRC?

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Tue Mar 29 13:26:50 EST 2005

On Tue, Mar 29, 2005 at 01:13:15PM -0500, Stephen Musgrave wrote:
> I have an issue where there is a file that sits in /events/file.php and 
> it includes images that sit in /events/images/.  File.php is also 
> included in /otherevents/ and the paths to image assets are relative in 
> file.php, causing the images to 404 because they are looking for the 
> images in an images directory that doesn't have that particular asset.

You could use symbolic links on the file system.

Or make file.php smarter.  Use a variable for the path in the img src's 
and have the variable determined according to where the calling file is.


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