[nycphp-talk] my mysql tutorial page

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Thu Mar 31 00:06:27 EST 2005

Daniel Convissor |nyphp dev/internal 
group use| wrote:

>Hey Folks:
>Wow.  A recent developmnt.  My "MySQL Basics -- A MySQL Tutorial" page is 
>now the number one hit on google for the search "mysql tutorial"! 
>Hmm... maybe it's time to consider getting an advertiser on the page...

For those interested the start of a Google index update was reported 
late March 23 (last Wednesday night) and is still propagating. A page 
rank update is expected this weekend as well.

Many people seem to think the impact of "no follow" will show in this 
update. One analysis showed 5% of the sites in DMOZ had nofollows on 
them, suggesting "no follow" it would have a very large impact on rankings.

There are also many reports of changes to the way back links are valued. 
I would wait another week before assuming anything was stable.

-=john andrews

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