[nycphp-talk] [OT] SSH security question

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Mon May 2 11:52:01 EDT 2005

max |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

>I got really fed up with this, and since i do believe in a bit of vigilantism, i made a little perl script which gets called from procmail in root's dir on every occurance of those emails. The script sends one email per attempt to security/technical contact for the ip address/block.

I understand your desire to be proactive, but now every port scan (which 
has been judged by the power-that-be to not practically impact system 
performance) on YOUR system runs a script, queries a flat file, 
constructs and generates an email (with potential for logging everything 
that may generate a warningor error or bounce or whatever).

Seems to me like you're feeding the trolls.

Are you setting your system up for more trouble? (not to mention the 
added complexity of another event-driven automated script running on 
your system at someone else's prompting... DOS oppty?).

-=john andrews

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