[nycphp-talk] Struts and PHP

Daniel Krook krook at
Mon May 2 15:53:34 EDT 2005

> > Yeah, although I'm not sure how complete it is.  I think Zend is also 
> > doing some work on this front.
> I've always thought it would be neat if you could write in PHP or 
> Python or Javascript and compile it into JVM bytecode.
> If Microsoft can do it with Common Language Runtime why can't we? I'm 
> actually surprised more progress hasn't been made in this area.

There is some movement towards this in the JSR mentioned in the Apache 
list thread:

JSR 223: Scripting for the Java Platform

Zend is one of the members of the expert group on this request.  It's not 
compilation into bytecode, but a way to use the language within a JVM. The 
PHP scripts would be included as part of the deployment unit for execution 
an application server (EAR or WAR... bundles of JSPs and servlets).

"When Java developers write Web Applications, they write classes that 
interact with these objects in well defined security, resource and class 
loader contexts. The proposed specification will describe which of these 
Java objects will be exposed to pages written in other scripting 
languages. The specification will be grounded on at least one concrete 
scripting language example, PHP, but the concepts will remain independent 
of the scripting language and, if at all possible, the EG will also 
explore the bindings to at least another scripting language."

Daniel Krook, Advisory IT Specialist 
Application Development, Production Services - Tools,


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