[nycphp-talk] PHP & Word Documents

LeeEyerman at LeeEyerman at
Sat May 7 17:26:01 EDT 2005

You may be able to convert it to a pdf document automatically then parse  
that.  There is a package call PDF2WEB I saw on some website.  The PDF  format 
should be easier to parse.
In a message dated 5/7/2005 3:42:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time,  
codebowl at writes:

i think  that is the next alternative, the client is dumb and just wants to 
upload a  word doc.  I mean i was going to go the route of using TinyMCE so 
they  could do the save as HTML, upload the photos to a directory then have the  
script parse all the image tags...

Joseph Crawford  Jr.
Codebowl Solutions
_codebowl at gmail.com_ (mailto:codebowl at  

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