[nycphp-talk] Should I try Zend Studio (again) ?

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Wed May 11 09:41:51 EDT 2005

Thanks Hans. Sounds like an infomercial for Zend!

Seriously though, so you have been a user of 3.5? or 3.0? Do you use the server side debugger or are you commenting on how you like the IDE? If you use the debugger, you have a Windows client and a remote Linux server so I'd love to hear your experiences with reliabiliy and speed of the interactive debugging, especially when you dock/undock/connect remotely.

Andif you don't mind clarifying, are you being supportive because you make your living off of the IDE or did you mean PHP? The former says alot abut the product; the latter speaks to the value of PHP (undisputed).

After your 30 days when you remove the trial I'd be interested in your experience with the Windows dual setup.  Usually the problems happen when you finish and delete (I bet they pay alot of attention to getting it working properly as a trial on someone's system, but I wish companies would pay more attention to leaving your system cleanly when you don't buy/upgrade. Yeah sure, right?) 

My license is for 3.0 and I would have to pay more to even go to 3.5, let alone 4.0  I guess that's the reward for being an early adopter (!).

I'm pretty close to moving on at this point. Doesn't seem to enough gains for the added complexity.

Thanks again for the feedback. I am sure there are others benefitting from these discussions on the list.

-=john andrews

-----Original Message-----
	"Hans Kaspersetz |nyphp dev/internal group use|" <...>
Sent: May 11, 2005 8:16 AM
To: NYPHP Talk <talk at>
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Should I try Zend Studio (again) ?

I have both versions on my PC right now.  I am trying the trial 
version.  Having both does not seem to messing either up.  I also have 
both on my Powerbook.  I am most likely going to upgrade to 4 because of 
documenter and the SQL stuff.  And I think it is the right thing to do.  
I like Zends products, I use them all the time and I make my living with 
them, so I think it is appropriate I support them.  I know that might be 
a weird view on that but I know when people use my stuff and make a 
living from it I would like them to give back a little.  Sort of a 
principle thing.

Hans K

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