[nycphp-talk] php.ini not loading

max max at
Fri May 13 11:58:48 EDT 2005

I have a ridiculous issue, php.ini is not being read by apache.
I put a copy (all identical) into
My current project's default html/php scripts dir
Server root as specified in httpd.conf
or pick any other random location, and its still not being read. I tried every permutation of dirs above, first only one of them, then all, then some other only one, etc, still nothing.
I still get errors displayed, and upload temp file path is still not changing. 
I restart my apache after every attempt.
This is on freebsd 5.2.1 on sparc64, apache 1.3.33 installed from ports, and php 5.0.4 installed from source in /usr/local/lib/php
I am lost. Is there some function may be where I can specify within my script where to look for php.ini?

Thank you!

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