[nycphp-talk] Dynamically write functions

Frank Wong frank_wong2 at
Fri May 13 13:43:43 EDT 2005

Flavio daCosta wrote:

>You said:
>>I find myself going into every function to add 'global $bar1;'
>But aren't you in the functions anyway actually utilizing the _new_
>global variable.  I dont understand why you would need them in _every_
>function if you aren't actually in the function coding to them...
It's true that I would be in the functions making changes anyway.  But 
again as I have stated before, I am lazy and would like to type as 
little as possible.  I rather add one global var by just typing in one 
place and have it take effect anywhere I want to use the global.  Maybe 
some would consider this extraneous work but my laziness still makes me 
think that it is worth the effort at the end.  :-)

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