proposing NYPHP Cookbook (aka Re: [nycphp-talk] $$ question)

David Mintz dmintz at
Thu May 26 11:57:51 EDT 2005

On Thu, 26 May 2005, inforequest wrote:

> It is a knowledge base. Most of those end up accommodating the least
> common demoninator; the code gets dummed down to the level of greatest
> consumption. At NYPHP, it is obvious that virtually any code segment
> that is interesting to these senior guys could generate this kind of
> discussion -- valuable to those who can follow it, and therefore very
> valuable IMHO as a high-level PHP resource.

which brings me to an idea that's related, if not quite the same thing as
the above. I propose: let's create an NYPHP Cookbook. There are several
fine Cookbooks that we all know and love. This one would would have many
authors; would cover Apache/MySQL/PHP, perhaps more; would not duplicate
anything already existing in the aforesaid Cookbooks.

If you wanted to make it truly unique and amusing, add a gastronomic angle
as well: every technical recipe submitted must be accompanied by an actual
food/drink recipe as well. You could make it tongue-in-cheek if you aren't
handy in the kitchen.

Finally, make this an online publication; let each recipe-submitter upload
a brief bio and optional JPEG of h(er|im)self and thus get a little
exposure. Of course, we could also consider whether it would be
cost-effective to try to print and sell it as hardcopy and raise some $$$
for nyphp.

Who's up for I'll volunteer to be part of the
editorial team.

David Mintz

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