proposing NYPHP Cookbook (aka Re: [nycphp-talk] $$ question)

Rolan Yang rolan at
Fri May 27 01:57:51 EDT 2005

Hans C. Kaspersetz wrote:

> Didn't we recently start a project similar to this?  I think it was the
> code archive project?  I think that project is living in suspended
> animation.  Not to poo-poo on the parade but I think we should pick up
> the code archive project and add a couple of fields that cover the
> Hans K

I haven't actually joined any nyphp projects yet, so I can't 
authoritatively comment on why the project faded into oblivion, but I am 
given the impression that the current projects are large, complex, and 
require some sort of approval process to join. These barriers of entry 
are probably intimidating to a lot of people. Comittment to join a long 
term project is also intimidating, where as firing off a quick hack or 
suggestion on a mailing list is not. Small projects are simply easier to 
bite off and swallow.

You know what might work?
If once a week, a small script or real world problem is presented and 
everyone tosses out suggestions, solutions, and optimizations. OH WAIT. 
THE MAILING LIST IS JUST THAT!  (well, some of the time, heh). The 
rapidfire "development cycles" of mailing list chatter results in a 
optimized solution much faster than with large projects. To help guide 
content for the book, the problems should probably be hand picked. Also, 
if  people knew that they will eventually be published, they might be 
more inclined to contribute.


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