[nycphp-talk] Smarty Templates

Dallas DeVries dallas.devries at
Wed Nov 2 15:10:15 EST 2005

We use PHPLIB from PEAR,

Its dead simple to use, just setting template variables and parsing template
blocks you define. Pretty much completely keeps programming logic separate
from the design phase. All that if/looping stuff is great and all but I'de
rather just handle it in the php, its not that hard. Maybe I'm just not used
to smarty but embedding php variables/method calls into the template seems
like something that will cause pain further down the line as well. The only
performance issue I have run into is if you need to parse thousands of items
on one page there is a big slow down. In these cases (like big tables) we
just embed a little bit of the html in the php.


On 11/2/05, David Mintz <dmintz at> wrote:
> I've noticed that if you use e.g. HTML_QuickForm (a Good Thing, IMHO) then
> you eventually find yourself almost coerced into getting involved in
> Smarty (or some other template engine), because QF's default renderer is
> just adequate for the simplest of display tasks, and customizing it
> heavily is really tedious. OTOH your Smarty templates end up looking like
> {if $form.lastname.error}
> <tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td>{$form.lastname.error}</td></tr>
> {/if}
> <tr><td class="label">
> <label for="lastname">Last name</label>
> </td>
> <td>{$form.lastname.html}</td></tr>
> which about as ugly as the other alternatives. Still, I think it's worth
> it. I have taken to sticking the form initialization work into the same
> classes that do the db access work. The result is that the PHP scripts
> that control the flow end up being short and sweet.
> ---
> David Mintz
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