[nycphp-talk] XML-RPC question

leegold leegold at
Wed Nov 9 10:52:55 EST 2005


I'm a relative newbie when it comes to firewalls and serious network
security but I had a thought and wondered how feasible it is. I'm
looking at this XML-RPC book, it seems to say that say if I did not have
a certain application on my server I could add eg. a laptop to my
network which did have that needed application (along w/other required
software perhaps a server) and with xml-rpc calls almost use the laptop
like an added partition of applications.

The catch seems to be security cause all this is passed around w/http
ie. as a web-service. So my question is, what would be a way protecting
the laptop from any unauthorized outside requests eg. the laptop only
talks to the server (or an appointed box) on the local network.

Lee Gold

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