[nycphp-talk] building an 1-way email list manager

Jeff Loiselle jeff.loiselle at
Mon Nov 14 22:15:38 EST 2005

I started building one of these bad boys a couple years ago. You are
welcome to have a copy of my code and schema. I never finished the
project, but it does send mail, track bounces, track how many people
opened a message, and sends messages.  It even has a rudimentary SOAP
interface for adding members to the list.

In order for it to send the messages, you have to run a PHP script
indefinitely in the background. I did this because you can't set the
Reply-To from PHP which is crucial for bounce tracking. Unfortunately
I found out later that this could be done with mail() f parameter, but
whatever. This actually uses PEAR:Mail to send all the mail via SMTP.
I'm sure it's slow as hell and completely the incorrect way to do it.
But it worked for me at the time!

I sent out a mailing of 200,000 or something which took many many hours.

Viva la spam! ;-)

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