[nycphp-talk] building an 1-way email list manager

Jeff Loiselle jeff.loiselle at
Tue Nov 15 17:09:11 EST 2005

> My unoriginal thought is to set return-path to something like
> bounce-handler at and set a procmail (or equivalent) recipe to
> pipe anything sent to bounce-handler to a php script that parses out who
> the intended recipient was, deems it a bounce and acts accordingly.  The
> gotcha here, according to my rigorously scientific thought experiments, is
> that if someone at deliberately sent mail to
> bounce-handler at, the former would be considered a bounce --
> unless your bounce-handler worked really hard to figure out if and why the
> incoming message bounced. Ah, the joy of reinventing the wheel.

Either you can start up a database and start learning how to parse
thousands of type of bounces... or.. you can just set a certain limit
of the ones that come back to the bounce script, and at that limit,
decide to finally bounce the user.

Jeff Loiselle
Web Developer, Musician, and Observer

"In America, through pressure of conformity, there is freedom of
choice, but nothing to choose from." - Peter Ustinov

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