[nycphp-talk] Deprecated Pear errors in PHP5

Scott Mattocks scott at
Fri Nov 18 11:28:19 EST 2005

Dallas DeVries wrote:

> I'd rather not turn down my error reporting level, that was the point of the
> question :)
> I think I prefer modifying the PEAR base class to that solution.

Modifying the PEAR base class probably won't help that much. Not all 
PEAR classes extend PEAR. You would probably have to modify many 
classes. When you modify a package your changes will be lost next time 
you update.

The only solution I can think of that doesn't require messing with error 
reporting settings is to create a custom error handler. In it you could 
check the error type and then decide whether or not to log the error.

Scott Mattocks
scott at

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