[nycphp-talk] DataObjects generator

Alberto dos Santos yournway at
Sat Nov 19 10:13:28 EST 2005

On 19/11/05, Kenneth Downs <ken at> wrote:
> I think I phrased my question badly.
> What I should have said was that as the complexity of your generator
> increases, and as the table count increases, running the generator becomes
> more and more of a delay.  If the generator produced an assoc array of
> layout, you would only need to run it when layout changed, and your system
> would be much more flexible both in terms of development and deployment.
> I have a system of 170 tables and re-running the generator is just not an
> option when I'm trying to tweak a bug, I want to modify the code directly
> and see the effect.  When it is fixed, it goes into the distribution tree
> and all systems using that library file are affected w/o rerunning any
> generators.
You should check Qcodo, I've tried it and now I use it regularly, I
already have two apps, one will be online soon, and it works like a
charm. PHP5 based with "strict" oop approach, and does a good job with
code generation.

Alberto dos Santos
Consultor em TI
IT Consultant
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