[nycphp-talk] Preferred method for parsingmulti-row submitbuttons

Tim Gales tgales at
Tue Nov 22 06:54:34 EST 2005

Chris Shiflett writes:
> Hans Zaunere wrote:
>> But this certainly shouldn't be considered a real practice.
> HTTP isn't something to violate on a whim, and adhering to it is a real 
> practice.

If you're using a 'personal' hypertext preprocessor with
'my' sql on a private intranet, you can do it the
'My'crock-software way.
cf: Does Microsoft Care About Web Standards?

It does seem, that Microsoft, early on at least, took a
rather cavalier attitude of "rules. what rules? we can
make our own rules..." when creating their Internet

The result is a BWOT (big waste of time) when getting
entangled in things like cross-browser support.
(I won't even go into Active-X, the cousin of Direct-X whose
icon is strikingly similar to the radioactive waste symbol --
but here's a hint: 'security nightmare')


T. Gales & Associates
'Helping People Connect with Technology'

"Rules are mostly made to be broken and are too often
for the lazy to hide behind."
-- Gen. Douglas Macarthur
(and possibly Bill Gates)

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