[nycphp-talk] Dude, where'd MySql.DLL go?

CED Consult at
Thu Nov 24 00:25:56 EST 2005

I have learned the hard way that MySQL lib is not pre-packaged with 5.0.5.
So on a quick windows test box with a directory similar tot he below, where
should I put the DLL so the cgi.exe will find it? I Tried changing my
php.ini all around but it never seeemed to even be looking in the correct

   |       |
   |  FOLDER: PHP; Contains my upload and cgi etc.
   |       |
   |    FOLDER: Ted; Contains images
   FOLDER: View; Contains HTML templates
   FOLDER: CTRL; Contains Packages
   FOLDER: TSCT; Contains usernames and passwords

>From my PHP.ini:

; Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside.
extension_dir = "D:/PHP/DLLS/"

I've tried a ton of different subdirectories, even left it blank, heh. And,
YES, I have the extension set to be loading. (extension=php_mysql.dll) =D
Although I also turned that off and turned on dl() and tried ad hocing the
dll from within a page... still no worky.

Thanks in advance.

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