[nycphp-talk] PHP vs. new ASP.NET 2.0

Jeff Loiselle jeff.loiselle at
Fri Nov 25 23:24:34 EST 2005

I'm actually gonna download it and check it out. I'd love to see what
they offer, and bring any interesting ideas I see from there into my
PHP experience. It would be nice if PHP had some sort of excellent RAD
environment, but there just isn't one that compares to what Microsoft
puts out. Zend IDE is great but it lacks a WYSIWYG HTML editor... and
every WYSIWGY editor is lacking an extensive JavaScript component and
widget library.. What's up with that?? ;-)

In the future I see everything as drag and drop with the flexibility
of people able to dive under the hood like we do every day in PHP. I
can't wait to see what Zend will be bringing to the table with the new
framework also. I'm quite curious.

I've become rather speedy at creating applications lately, I can
design templates in Photoshop/GIMP, cut them up, and HTML and style
them in Dreamweaver very fast. And then start dropping in the PHP
components I use most often. Sometimes I feel quite saucy as I do it,
knowing that I am working at closest to light speed as I can with the
toolset I have. But there is nothing more powerful than opening up a
single application and going RAD crazy. It's just f*cking rad! ;-)

And someday, yes someday, we'll only be dragging and dropping UML and
it will make the applications for us, or at least that's what I've
been hearing. ;-)

I'll be back with a review of Visual Web Developer 2005, unless it eats me.

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