[nycphp-talk] IE Integrated Security + PHP

Jeof Oyster joyster at
Mon Nov 28 15:58:45 EST 2005

Has anyone ever tried to integrate MS Integrated Security with a PHP
site? Here's the scenario: 
Internally, we have several sites on different domains for different
things (like our help desk, our intranet, our CRM software, etc).
Usually, users have to log into each site using their network
credential, however, through a Kerberos set up, we are using Integrated
Security in Microsoft and IE,  so that when a user who is already
authenticated on the network goes to one of these sites, the Integrated
Security / Kerberos set up recognizes them and does not force them to
log in again. 
Now, I plan on redeveloping our Intranet website using PHP, and plan on
building applications that would require user authentication (basically
- just the username). I want to be able to "sense" what user is logged
in through Integrated Security and use THAT user name  (all the peons'
computers are forced to use IE) . If it were a cookie then PHP would
automatically sense that, of course, but Integrated Security is
something different, we think (my techs seem to be unsure how it
actually works, or they were too busy to give me a full answer).  
Any idea if Integrated Security says anything to the website about the
user's presence so that I can grab it with PHP, rather than having to
have the user re-enter their username or full credential?
Jeof Oyster
System Analyst / Information &Technology Office
Phone: 212-672-6683
Fax:  215-975-6683 (efax)
Email: joyster at <> 

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