[nycphp-talk] GD or ImageMagick or...?

billy reisinger billy.reisinger at
Tue Nov 29 09:33:45 EST 2005

Just so you know, Andrew - if you plan on being able to rotate images,
you may find the GD library to be insufficient.  GD has the ability to
rotate images, but at the penalty of poorer image quality.  Every time
you rotate an image with GD, it gets worse.  I've been told that
ImageMagick doesn't suffer as much of a problem with this as GD does,
though I've never tried it myself.
That being said, I've used GD with great success on numerous projects;
it handles resizing, resampling, and conversion with little trouble,
and the learning curve is next to nothing.

Billy Reisinger
billy.reisinger at

On 11/28/05, Aaron Fischer <agfische at> wrote:
> Andrew Yochum wrote:
> >That aside, I'd suggest going with GD to start.  There is plenty of docs
> >out there on the subject, its been around for a while, heavily used,
> >well supported, and will take care of your stated needs no problem.
> >
> >Using ImageMagick will require using the convert/mogrify executables or
> >the PECL extension.  The former may not be a bad way to go but you may
> >find less docs directly related to use w/ PHP as your interaction with
> >it would be building command line args to the executables.  The latter
> >looks like its been stalled for quite some time (since June 2004) and
> >may be a dead end.  Other wrappers may exist, but you may find them
> >wanting.
> >
> >
> Thanks Andrew.  GD sounds good.  Do you know if they will need to
> recompile PHP or if it's just some ini and/or other changes?
> -Aaron
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