[nycphp-talk] Date switching back and forth

harvey list at
Sat Oct 1 09:57:13 EDT 2005

Of course, not sure why I didn't see that.
Thanks a lot!

At 09:39 AM 10/1/2005, Jonathan wrote:

>There is an error in your code.
>You will always have the correctly adjusted hour because of
>  date("g:i:s a",
>time() + $timeadjust)
>But your date will be wrong for 4 hours every day because of
>echo date("l") . "<br>" . date("F jS, Y")
>You need to add your time adjust to each of those dates.
>$adjusted_time = time() + $timeadjust;
>echo date("l",$adjusted_time) . "<br>" . date("F jS, Y",$adjusted_time);
>date("g:i:s a", $adjusted_time) ;
>harvey wrote:
> >How is this possible? I have a site hosted at Yahoo and am using the
> >following code to display the date/time at the top of the page. Works
> >fine, except-- every once in a while, the date is one full day off.
> >For example, on the 28th of this month at about 10pm, the page said
> >it was the 29th at 10pm. Later on, it was fine and said the right
> >date. Yahoo, of course, says it's not them, but what else could it
> >be? Thanks in advance.
> >
> >$hourdiff = "-4";
> >$timeadjust = ($hourdiff * 60 * 60);
> >echo date("l") . "<br>" . date("F jS, Y") . "<br>" . date("g:i:s a",
> >time() + $timeadjust) . "&nbsp;NYC";
> >
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> >AMP Technology
> >Supporting Apache, MySQL and PHP
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>New York PHP Talk Mailing List
>AMP Technology
>Supporting Apache, MySQL and PHP

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