[nycphp-talk] Automating a manual process

Alberto dos Santos yournway at
Tue Oct 4 16:42:22 EDT 2005

On 04/10/05, David Mintz <dmintz at> wrote:
> On Tue, 4 Oct 2005, Aaron Fischer wrote:
> > I have a manual process that I would like to make happen automatically
> > (on a scheduled basis).
> >
> You should be able to create an ODBC data source, then access it
> programmatically -- e.g., with the PHP ODBC API
> (
> With your data in hand, it seems you can either
> (1) connect to your hosts MySQL database directly across the network from
> your machine and run the insert queries, or, if they don't let you do
> that,
> (2) do your own export-as-text (e.g., to tab-delimited), then upload it
> via POST (cURL might be helpful) to another PHP script on your server that
> accepts the upload and knows what to do with it -- break it back down and
> run the queries with it. You will no doubt want to add user authentication
> to the mix and possibly SSL.
> There's probably a simpler/better solution about to be posted any second.
> (-:
> ---
> David Mintz

I second the opinion that the simplest is to interconnect both databases
with php.

Another solution I had to implement once was to have an asp dump an XML,
using scheduled tasks on Win2K, to a certain network folder, and have a php
get it using getElementByID and dump it to MySQL.
It worked fine, though I had to get someone to do me the asp, hehe.

Alberto dos Santos
Consultor em TI
IT Consultant
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