[nycphp-talk] data modelling vs. db design (was: ER Diagram tool for MySQL/OS X)

cliff cliff at
Wed Oct 5 12:11:13 EDT 2005

I just read about normalizing to 3NF and as an example, the book showed how 
in an extreme case of obsessive 3NF compliance city and state address fields 
could really be separate tables since city depends on state, state depends 
on country, etc. A bit extreme to me, but food for thought.

Regarding another point previously made in this thread: MySQL versus 
Postgres. MySQL seems to have all the momentum, yet a previous poster gave 
the impression that Postgres is more advanced. Should we be looking at 
Postgres more seriously despite the MySQL onslaught? Why does it seem like 
PHP/MySQL has become one word -- like Wintel -- instead of PHP/Postgres?

Cliff Hirsch

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