[nycphp-talk] [OT] Apache htaccess auth

Hans C. Kaspersetz hans at
Thu Oct 6 09:54:22 EDT 2005

I know this might be off topic a bit but I can't figure it out and I am 
confident NYPHP is the place for AMP answers.

I am developing an application that needs to receive http responses from 
a remote system.  Currently, the entire application lives behind 
.htaccess Auth.  Don't want the whole world to see it.  The problem is 
that to continue to develop/test I need to receive the responses from 
the remote system and the remote system won't change to do the auth.

So what I would like to do is continue to protect all the files in 
/webroot behind Auth except for one subdirectory, or I would like all 
users from to access all the file in /webroot/ and make 
everyone else authenticate.

I have been looking at the apache .htaccess stuff and haven't figured it 
out.  Please help.


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