[nycphp-talk] data modelling vs. db design (was: ER Diagram tool for MySQL/OS X)

Stephen Musgrave stephen at
Fri Oct 7 13:48:57 EDT 2005

> BTW, in the world of business objects, even the concept of a User 
> needs to
> be rethought.  I would do away with Users as a fundamental business 
> object
> and replace it with the more generic Person, and identify system Users 
> as a
> subset of the Person universe.  Users then become Persons who play the 
> Role,
> System User, in which additional sets of information are required such 
> as
> username, password, permissions, et cetera.

A-ha!  Even more normalization.  This is the way I have done it my 
system, btw.  There are "staff" users ... err PEOPLE".. and 
"participants" which have their own tables and then the USER table 
handles data that is required for those people to use the application.

Thanks for all the contributions to the thread - it has been very 

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