[nycphp-talk] NYPHP cringed at AJAX almost a year ago.... now JS exploit "level 3"

csnyder chsnyder at
Fri Oct 14 09:52:21 EDT 2005

On 10/13/05, inforequest <1j0lkq002 at> wrote:

> Since then we have AJAX everywhere. And now we have a hack that's being
> called a new "level 3" exploit. See and

Hmm, you can chase the buzzword and call this an AJAX hack, but it is
really plain old cross-site scripting vulnerability. MySpace wasn't
properly sanitizing user-submitted markup, and these guys were able to
sneak some JavaScript in.

It's a pretty great hack nonetheless. They used XMLHTTPRequest to make
requests in the background that a user would never notice, which is
what makes it AJAXy.

Two lessons learned:

1) If you allow markup, use a serious sanitizer ... something like or one of the others discussed
previously on this list

2) Take steps to prevent forged form submissions ... for an excellent
tutorial, see

But further to number 2, if you don't have protection against
JavaScript there isn't much you can do to secure your forms. Even the
random token method that Chris describes can be foiled if the attacker
is scripting XMLHTTPRequests, because the script can request and then
POST a valid form, without the user ever knowing it.


Chris Snyder

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