[nycphp-talk] Good Free Stock Chart Web Service?

Rolan Yang rolan at
Wed Oct 19 11:33:41 EDT 2005

A while back, I wrote up a small script that fetched and cached (mysql) 
historical stock prices from Yahoo!Finance, then plotted it with the GD 
It also scraped Yahoo for the analyst ratings and can optionally plot 
them too (I was toying around with some ideas about automated prediction 
of stock movement based on weighted analyst ratings). Anyway, feel free 
to give it a try
It is "work safe" unless you check off the "XXX" option.


Jeff Loiselle wrote:

>I've been Googling around for a bit, but I figured I'd ask anyway...
>Has anyone implemented any good, free, stock charts into their PHP
>applications that you can recommend?

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