[nycphp-talk] Good Free Stock Chart Web Service?

Rolan Yang rolan at
Wed Oct 19 21:43:12 EDT 2005

I'm truly embarrassed to publish this code. It was just a 
hacked-together thing to test some ideas. Really not anything of 
presentable quality.
You can glance over it and maybe get some ideas though.
I added some comments at the start of getquote.php which describes the 
database structure. - main script which 
users access
    getquote.phps - fetches the quote(s) from the database or web. If 
via web, then cache in the database
    backgroundgetquote.phps - launches a unix background process to 
fetch and cache quotes (so user does not have to wait)
    getratings.phps -  fetches analyst ratings for a given stock
    graph.phps - plots a graph given many parameters
    prepend.phps - database setup and query wrapper.


Matthew Terenzio wrote:

>Is that source freely available?

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