[nycphp-talk] [OT]Forcing charset on a shared webhost?

leam at leam at
Fri Oct 21 11:24:03 EDT 2005

Sorry if my reply seemed off, I read the one answer before getting to yours. The complication is that i looked at the file on the server with "more" and it looked fine. Then I used "vi" to look at it and saw that indeed the odd characters were there.

So I'll read through your suggestions and put them to work. Thanks!


On Fri, Oct 21, 2005 at 12:20:44AM -0400, Greg Rundlett wrote:
> On 10/20/05, leam at <leam at> wrote:
> > Um, not sure what you mean. I have an html file with the error that web browsers don't know how to read the character. There's no php in it.
> You should read some of the references/FAQs I posted, but the short
> answer is replace the fancy quotes that are in your document with
> regular " from your keyboard (using a plain text editor or capable web
> editor like Quanta Plus).
> If you didn't create the original file, then you /might/ be in the
> position where you can't actually see the offending characters.  In
> that case, use a tool like Tidy or the demoroniser to do the work for
> you.

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