[nycphp-talk] make thumbs from video files

Roland Cozzolino rcozzol at
Tue Oct 25 18:08:42 EDT 2005

great point ... if you can find apps that take care of this for you then 
use php to call, log, manage and run everytyhing.  If you plan on 
building from scratch ... well ... that might be a but difficult.

Kenneth Downs wrote:

>Well don't forget though that PHP is a wonderful glue language, using
>backtick and exec you can run any existing CLI interface to any known
>...if you're on linux of course.
>>This is not trivial and requires you to either manually learn some of
>>the codecs or use plugin libraries.  I don't really think this is
>>something php is well suited for a believe writing an app in something
>>like C with some of the standard libraries compiled in would be best..
>>leegold wrote:
>>>>>>Is there a way using PHP to make jpeg thumbs out of quicktime or
>>>>>>media files?
>>>>>>Preferably a batch job on a folder...
>>>Check out an example at:
>>>>Another example would be
>>>You would think there'd be a PHP class or script does does this...
>>>I looked thru the manual but doesn't seem like a function that does it
>>>out of the "starting gate"...
>>>Lee G.
>>>New York PHP Talk Mailing List
>>>AMP Technology
>>>Supporting Apache, MySQL and PHP
>>New York PHP Talk Mailing List
>>AMP Technology
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