[nycphp-talk] NYC Programmer Needed

Chris Shiflett shiflett at
Sun Oct 30 10:59:59 EST 2005

Susan Shemin wrote:
> Your comment is inappropriate. There are women on this list even
> though you guys try to keep us out of programming.

Actually, your comment is inappropriate:

1. What you found offensive in Edward's post is exactly what he is 
questioning. In other words, he also found the phrase alarming and is 
asking whether the post is legitimate. Because he had the same reaction 
as you, you've chosen to personally attack him. Personal attacks are not 
tolerated here.

2. Your generalization is exactly the type of offensive remark that you 
mistakenly thought Edward had made. This is blatant hypocrisy and a step 
(or several steps) in the wrong direction.

For the record, "Stitch and Bitch" seems legitimate:

Most of the people there (mostly women) seem to "get it" and realize 
that it's an informal, funny reference to sewing and chatting.


Chris Shiflett
Brain Bulb, The PHP Consultancy

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