[nycphp-talk] freebsd, apache, mod_ssl problems

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Sun Oct 30 17:51:22 EST 2005

Hey Folks:

I've installed FreeBSD on my laptop.  I've compiled Apache with mod_ssl.  
When I go to http://localhost/, we're good.  But when I try to do 
https://localhost/, I get a connection refused error.

I set up the test cert using "localhost" as the domain name.

The only change I made to httpd.conf is setting ServerName to "localhost".

The logs are below:

[Sun Oct 30 18:13:01 2005] [alert] httpd: Could not determine the 
 server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
[Sun Oct 30 18:13:01 2005] [notice] Apache/1.3.34 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.8.25 
 OpenSSL/0.9.7e configured -- resuming normal operations
[Sun Oct 30 18:13:01 2005] [notice] Accept mutex: flock (Default: flock)

[30/Oct/2005 18:13:01 52128] [info]  Init: 1st restart round (already detached)
[30/Oct/2005 18:13:01 52128] [info]  Init: Seeding PRNG with 1160 bytes 
 of entropy
[30/Oct/2005 18:13:01 52128] [info]  Init: Configuring temporary RSA 
 private keys (512/1024 bits)
[30/Oct/2005 18:13:01 52128] [info]  Init: Configuring temporary DH 
 parameters (512/1024 bits)
[30/Oct/2005 18:13:01 52128] [info]  Init: Initializing (virtual) servers 
 for SSL

Any ideas, please?



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