[nycphp-talk] Exporting Gmail Contacts

csnyder chsnyder at
Mon Oct 31 09:41:24 EST 2005

On 10/31/05, Joseph Crawford <codebowl at> wrote:
> Hey guys,
>  I came accross a script called handshake it is a social networking
> application, once i registered i noticed they had the ability for you to
> import your gmail contacts so that you could easilly invite people to the
> site by using your gmail contacts.  Has anyone see how to read a list from
> your contacts on gmail?  This site asked for your gmail username/password
> then would reach out and grab your lost of contacts for use on the site.
> Has anyone seen anything pre-made that will do this or is this something i
> will have to make myself ;)

Grab an RSS parser and a Gmail account and get to it.

On the whole, GMail is RSS enabled throughout, so you can grab feeds
of current messages, contacts, label contents, etc.

There is also a handy export function within the GMail Contacts
interface (upper right). From the GUI:

"Export Contacts
Export your contacts so you can transfer them to other accounts or
save them offline.
We will export all of your contacts in the CSV file format (Comma
Separated Values).   Learn more
Gmail CSV (for import into another Gmail account)
Outlook CSV (for import into Outlook clients)"

What more would you need?

Chris Snyder

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