[nycphp-talk] SVN questions: incremental save using filechanges/deltas &

Hans Zaunere lists at
Sun Sep 4 18:44:05 EDT 2005

csnyder wrote on Saturday, September 03, 2005 9:41 AM:
> On 9/3/05, Eric K. <kigathi at> wrote:
> >  2) Is there a shortcut to speed up development or must I duplicate the
> > entire server/dev environment in every developer's workspace?
> In his Eclipse demo Hans really bashed VNC for development, but I've

Well, ok...

> had great results using it to allow a small team to do work directly
> on a development server from their own workstations. It's definitely
> recommended over sftp or WebDAV for development on the same LAN, just
> as those technologies are more useful when working remotely.

I don't know if I'd agree actually.  Depending on the operating system and user preference, pinning developers to a single platform by way of remote desktops can be troublesome, which is one of my primary objections.

> But there's another angle to this: a well-planned project should be
> easy to deploy. If each developer has to install XAMPP, edit their
> local Apache config, create and initialize the database, and create a
> local configuration file before they can start hacking the code, you
> will collectively figure out how to streamline the process early on.
> Document the install process and put it in a docs folder in your
> project, along with an sql dump of the database structure and whatever
> test data you work with. (Or use a remote connection to a single
> database.)
> One thing I would add to J and A's presentation: don't put your local
> configuration file (the one that sets paths to things) under version
> control.
> If you have something like conf/config.php, move it to
> conf/config-dist.php before importing your code into subversion. After
> you check out the first working copy, and recreate the local
> configuration at conf/config.php, you should (for safety's sake) tell
> subversion to ignore that file from now on:
> svn propedit svn:ignore conf
> ...tells svn you want to edit the ignore property of the conf
> directory. Svn opens an editor, to which you can add the single line:
> config.php
> Once you commit the property change, svn will ignore conf/config.php
> so that someone can't accidentally add it and overwrite everyone
> else's local configs. For more on svn:ignore, see

That's a great outline of the process for ignoring files, etc.

Hans Zaunere
President, Founder
New York PHP

AMP Technology
Supporting Apache, MySQL and PHP

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