[nycphp-talk] Zend certification

Ophir Prusak prusak at
Tue Sep 13 21:36:01 EDT 2005

Congrats !

As someone who previously taught PHP for Zend, a few comments.
Some of the people who wrote the test are on this list, so I'm sure
they can give you the "official" reply.
The way I see it, it's really more of door opener than a deal closer.
PHP is "notorious" for having people who call themselves PHP
programmers but don't know the first thing about computer science
See for
more details.
Just because someone passed the Zend certification doesn't make them a
good programmer, but it does mean:
1 - They take their commitment to PHP seriously
2 - They're aren't just a front end developer who's read a few
articles about PHP on the web.

I've interviewed many people for junior programming positions, and
some people will just about lie to get their foot in the door.


On 9/13/05, Jonathan <hendler at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> After 5 years of using PHP I took the Zend certification exam and passed.
> Like the last sentence, it was a little anti-climactic.
> I don't know my score and would like to - I think.
> Over all I thought the test was fine for a low to mid level cert - but
> it wasn't enterprise level and somewhat jokingly I'd say it didn't make
> me feel like the as-advertised engineer.
> I don't want to sound too critical - overall, I am glad to see a
> certification program exists and it's not a bad start.
> I would think to be a zend engineer there is a whole other tier of
> applications, external libraries, and PHP 5 items that would be great
> for the next level certification.
> - Jonathan Hendler
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