[nycphp-talk] NEW PHundamentals: HTTP Response Splitting

Chris Shiflett shiflett at
Sun Sep 18 15:30:04 EDT 2005

Daniel Convissor wrote:
> In addition, the article is misnamed. The attack at hand
> isn't response splitting, which has to do with injecting 
> items into header() calls.

Yeah, I thought I had missed a cool thread or something at first. :-) 
For what it's worth, I think HTTP Response Splitting might make an 
interesting phundamental. I guess there's not tons to say, but maybe 
some people on this list have some creative ideas about what can be 
done. I usually just demonstrate setting a cookie or something (and show 
how this can be used for session fixation - e.g., set PHPSESSID).


Chris Shiflett
Brain Bulb, The PHP Consultancy

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