[nycphp-talk] Geoselect alternatives?

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Fri Sep 23 17:11:00 EDT 2005

(just goes to show how a mention on the NYPHP list gets a product 
immediate attention!)

I checked out for their geo-location service and it looks 
good. Nice package, and great presentation, and very considerate $49 
developer license.  I currently work with Tigerline via custom code, but 
I would very much prefer to let a company maintain this portion (exactly 
like Geoselect purports to). However, it is to expensive for multiple 
very high traffic sites. I also would ant code access to insert open 
proxy checks and such.

What open source options are there to do what GeoSelect does? (resolve 
IP to City, State, Country, Lat, Long) server side in meory, with 
caching, perhaps placing the values in server vars like GeoSelect does? 
Maybe there is not yet a comprehensive (quality) IP to Geo database 
being maintained open source?

Thanks for any help.

-=john andrews

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