[nycphp-talk] August Presentation Posted

Hans C. Kaspersetz hans at
Mon Sep 26 09:55:53 EDT 2005

 From the better late then never department, we have posted the August 
presentation, audio and photos.


Your humble presentation lacky,
Hans Kaspersetz
hans.kaspersetz at

----------------------------------- Presentation Blurb 

Internal NYPHP Presentation, August 22, 2005
Tools for Writing Better Code-Part 1

It's August, it's hot and everyone is either on vacation or too 
delusional from the heat to get any serious work done - including us, 
considering how long it took us to post this! What better opportunity to 
present the first part of our long awaited series on writing better PHP 
code. Join the New York PHP core developers as we present some of the 
tools we use to enhance the single or multi-developer environment.

President Hans Zaunere will present on using Windows XP to development 
remotely with Eclipse / PHP and Subversion (.PPT). Exposing concepts 
such as how to get Windows to talk to a remote Webdav / Subversion 
server, and brief examples of the improved workflow, this is sure to 
improve your development with the Windows client.

Vice President Jeff Knight and Core Developer Andrew Yochum will team up 
to explore why Subversion is an excellent choice for Version and Source 
Control, and the choice internally at New York PHP. Further they will 
demonstrate how Subversion can be used to manage multiple projects and 
developers as well as development and production environments.

With any time left over, we'd like to offer the opportunity to bring the 
Talk list face to face. Come prepared with your questions / problems and 
solutions and we'll open up the floor to discuss your topics.

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