[nycphp-talk] Audubon Flash/PHP Map

Mark Armendariz nyphp at
Thu Sep 29 08:26:31 EDT 2005

> It mixes functionality in with code
> and buries it all in a hard to update file. 

Such is no longer the case.  These days, my fla files generally have 2 lines
of code in them.  One to import the main Actionscript file and the other to
execute the constructor of the app.  Everything else is in a full directory
structure of easily editable text files with an 'as' extension.  Actually
the perfect balance of separating the coder from the designer in my

Flash is so much more developer-friendly these days.  I still hate the ide
and think it should be beaten to bits (haven't played with 8 yet, so don't
hate me if it's improved - thankfully that's for the designers to deal
with), but development is so much more rewarding than it once was.


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