[nycphp-talk] Audubon Flash/PHP Map

aaron aaron at
Thu Sep 29 11:59:41 EDT 2005

Thank you all for looking over the flash map.  I sent all of your 
feedback to the developer and will continue to do so if any more come 
in. He fixed the span/font tag mishap, so if you can take another quick 
look I would appreciate it. I only have pc/max here to test on, no *nix 
environment yet.

Thanks again!!
Aaron D.

Michael Sims wrote:

>On Wednesday 28 September 2005 12:57, aaron at wrote:
>>Hey guys, I could use some feedback on this page. It's a
>>flash/php/oracle app that dynamically plots points on a map based on
>>long/lat info for each contact in the db. It may be a little slow
>>loading, but if it's REALLY slow please let me know.
>The page has this code:
><span class="pagename">State Chapter Information</span><br>
><span class="subtitle">Interactive Flash Map</font> <br>
><img src="clear.gif" width="1" height="9"><br>
>I would bet quite a lot that the </font> tag should be a </span> instead.  
>That's (probably) what's causing the right half of the Flash app to be 
>greyed out for a lot of people, including me.
>Michael Sims
>New York PHP Talk Mailing List
>AMP Technology
>Supporting Apache, MySQL and PHP
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