[nycphp-talk] What are ? and :

Aaron Fischer agfische at
Fri Sep 30 13:30:06 EDT 2005

Awesome, thanks for the description!  That's very helpful, as is the 
link as well. 

I'd like to say that this list rocks, as usual.



Michael Sims wrote:

>On Friday 30 September 2005 12:36, Aaron Fischer wrote:
>>The symbols in question are ? and :
>?: is the "ternary operator".  Google for that and you should get plenty of 
>A ? B : C
>can be roughly translated as "test A, and pick B or C depending on how A's 
>test came out".
>>1)  $argv = isset($_SERVER['argv']) ? $_SERVER['argv'] : NULL;
>So this is saying if the _SERVER variable argv is set, then set the local 
>variable argv with that value; otherwise set it to NULL.  The more direct 
>$argv = $_SERVER['argv'];
>will throw an error if $_SERVER['argv'] doesn't exist.  (Actually, it will 
>throw a notice, not an error, and the script will continue to execute, and 
>the functional effect will be very similar, but using the ternary operator 
>is certainly more elegant.)

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