[nycphp-talk] FW: [nycbug-talk] gpl on /.

Hans Zaunere lists at
Fri Sep 30 13:59:29 EDT 2005

Marc Spitzer wrote on Friday, September 30, 2005 11:41 AM:
> Saw below on slashdot, this is something we need to be up to speed on.
>  All you web developers out there need to add in time for licence
> review on your projects, if you use any 3rd party lib, ouch.
>  Vicissidude writes "At present, companies that distribute
> GPL-licensed software must make the source code publicly available,
> including any modifications they've made. Though the rule covers many
> businesses that use GPL-licensed software for commercial ends, it
> doesn't cover Web companies that use such software to offer their
> services through the Web, as they're not actually distributing the
> software. GPL 3, the next version of the free software license, a
> draft of which is expected to be released in early 2006, may close
> this loophole, GPL author and Free Software Foundation head Richard
> Stallman said in an interview."
> interview link

Interesting developments in the exciting world of GPL licensing...


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