[nycphp-talk] FW: [PHP] Re: APC and PHP 5.1.2

michael lists at
Sun Apr 2 14:32:54 EDT 2006

On Sun, 2 Apr 2006 14:04:20 -0400
csnyder <chsnyder at> wrote:

> On 4/2/06, michael <lists at> wrote:
> > I was looking over these slides, and
> > found (among other great things) http_load.  I've installed and run
> > it and I am now looking for ways to 'bring up my numbers'.
> >
> > I know many, many, many things influence performance.. but.. the
> > above example seems like good advice.  I haven't seen much talk
> > about The Alternative PHP Cache (APC) opcode cache on this list.
> > Is anyone making use of it?
> >
> > I also found xdebug (, but have not installed it.  Can
> > anyone thumbs up/down on that one?
> >
> I'm using the apc for opcode caching. I use a lot of includes per
> request, and I haven't seen it do anything gnarly. I haven't bothered
> to use it for shared memory yet, but I'm sure that would speed things
> up _a lot_.

so.. 'not gnarly' is a +1? [grin]

> How is http_load different from ab (the Apache benchmark tool)?

yea, I was curious why he chose http_load over the apache tool.  I ran
the same test on with tools and got different results.  It appears (in
my un-scientific study) ab gives better resutls.  

> And what's the Callgrind business? I'd like to see a tutorial on that.

I've seen it elsewhere, pretty cool; but it looks to be based on
linux-specific valgrind. and the kde-specific:



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