[nycphp-talk] FW: [PHP] Re: APC and PHP 5.1.2

Flavio daCosta nyphp at
Sun Apr 2 16:24:25 EDT 2006

On 04/02/2006 01:17 PM, michael wrote:
> I also found xdebug (, but have not installed it.  Can
> anyone thumbs up/down on that one? 

I use xdebug for profiling.  I used to use APD
<> but (afaik) it doesn't work in PHP5 :(

Aside from a few minor annoyances, overall I have been very happy with
xdebug and the cachegrind output.  Although I use Gnome, I have come to
terms with KCacheGrind ;-)  <>
I find it very enlightening to actually see where your bottlenecks are
as opposed to *assuming*.


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