[nycphp-talk] PHP IDE (Mac)

csnyder chsnyder at
Tue Apr 11 12:11:53 EDT 2006

On 4/11/06, Jon Baer <jonbaer at> wrote:
> Like many it's *extremely* bloated for just doing PHP when it wasn't
> designed for it ...
> TextMate ( on the Mac has to be the most flexible,
> lightweight, productive app to come along in a while ...
> PHP.tmbundle/README
> Other points: Subversion support built in, bundles for CakePHP and
> Smarty ...
> CAKE.tmbundle/Snippets/
> Smarty.tmbundle/Snippets/
> - Jon
> On Apr 11, 2006, at 8:54 AM, edward potter wrote:
> > A friend has recommended Xcode on the mac for PHP coding, has anyone
> > given it a try?
> >
> > thanks, ed  :-)

I tried using XCode for a while before Jeff Knight finally convinced
me that the Zend IDE was the way to go on Mac. Despite the bloat it
generally stays out of the way, and if you take the time to change
some of the poor key-mapping and syntax-coloring choices, it's a great

Well, okay, the interface takes up a little too much real-estate on a
12" PowerBook, but that's life.

XCode has a nice enough interface, and it will make your code look
good on screen, but it's ultimately the wrong tool for the job...
unless you're mixing Objective-C into your php project, of course. ;-)

Chris Snyder

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