[nycphp-talk] PHP IDE (Mac)

csnyder chsnyder at
Tue Apr 11 15:43:04 EDT 2006

On 4/11/06, tedd <tedd at> wrote:
> >  > I have Zend IDE Professional as well, but I seldom use it.
> >
> >Why?  too much IDE?  I'm contemplating a purchase as my trial is about
> >to expire and I've loved it so far.  Just wondered.
> Maybe it's too much for me.
> I started out hard coding everything in a text editor and running it
> on my host -- if I remember correctly, some time ago, the IDE will
> run on the host IF something was installed and it wasn't -- and I
> could get the host to do anything, so I gave up.
> Maybe I should review it again. But, what I want is something that
> doesn't run on my machine, but rather something that I can see in
> real time on the net instead of preview in browser.

If the host is local (a server on your LAN) you can use VNC/Remote
Desktop/X-Windows to edit remotely.

At work I use Cygwin's free X Server for Windows to control a remote
copy of the ide on my workstation. But there's nothing easy about
setting that up if you don't know what you're doing already.

A better approach for remote servers is to use WebDAV or some network
filesystem so that you can work on the remote files as if they were
local. I've been experimenting with Samba over SSH, which could be
great except that there are no off-the-shelf apps that do it (to my

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