[nycphp-talk] print parsing confusion

Linux Rocks linux_rocks1 at
Thu Apr 13 13:23:21 EDT 2006

--- Tim Sailer <sailer at> wrote:

> On Thu, Apr 13, 2006 at 08:58:36AM -0700, Linux
> Rocks wrote:
> > Hello all:
> > 
> > I am having a problem trying to get a text field
> get
> > its name in a while loop like this expense_cat1,
> > expense_cat2 ... etc. here's a snip of the code:
> > 
> > while( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $category ) )
> > {
> >   echo( "<tr><td>" . $row['expenses_cat_desc'] . 
> >        "</td><td><input type=text
> name=expense_cat" .
> > $row['expenses_cat_number'] . ("</td></tr>");
> > 
> > }
> > 
> > I pass this to another page and try to print it
> using
> > $_POST['expense_cat1'] and is giving me an empty
> > string. 
> > 
> > Now, I check phpinfo() and the variable name gets
> > created as:
> > 
> > $_POST['expense_cat1</td>']
> One, possibly two, problem(s).
> First, 
> $row['expenses_cat_number'] . ("</td></tr>");
>                               ^
> Where is this from? Looks like unmatched parens.
> Then, the immediate problem, the line should read
> like:

The parenthesis were not in the code. I added them
because I had two echo statements I did a cut a paste
and forgot to remove the parenthesis. Sorry if that
threw someone off. The problem is solved by ending the
input tag with >. Thanks a lot to those who replied.

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